How to Grow as a Christian

The Foundations of Faith

We have a some useful resources from our Foundations of Faith series that can help you grow in your Christian faith.

  • Lesson One: Salvation

    Steps to Peace with God 
    There is a God. He is real. He exists. God is not nature or the creation of man. God is our creator. That means you are not here by accident. God made you to bless you and give you purpose. He wants you to experience peace and life – both eternal and abundant.

  • Lesson Two: Devotional Life

    God wants to spend time with you!

    One of God’s deepest desires is for you to know Him and have fellowship with Him. We can pray at any time of the day and at any place. God is everywhere and wants to be involved in every part of your life. Developing a relationship with a person requires consistent contact with that person. In the same way, if you want to have a close relationship with God, you need to set aside daily time just for God. This “set apart” time for seeking God is our devotion life.

  • Lesson Three: The Church

    Created for Community
    One of the greatest needs of the human heart is relationship. When you became a child of God, you became a member of God’s family, the church. The church is not a place of worship or a meeting. The church is a gathered group of believers. We were created for this kind of community. We all need God, and we all need the church to find acceptance and fulfill His plans for our lives. Jesus and the church are inseparable..  

  • Lesson Four: Father Heart of God

    God our Father

    God can be described in a lot of ways. He is our creator and savior. He is holy, loving and all-powerful. In the New Testament, we come to know Him as Father, Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. When Jesus came he showed us what the Father is like and how to have a relationship with Him. He also taught His disciples to address God in prayer saying, “Our Father who art in heaven.” When you come to faith in Jesus, you are adopted into God’s family (Romans 8:15). God becomes your father. 

    We all have an earthly father. Like it or not our relationship (or lack of relationship) with our earthly father has significantly shaped the way we each view God as our heavenly Father for good or for bad.

  • Lesson Five: Growing Christ-like


    As you follow Christ, the sin that previously characterized your life will fade away and your life will begin to look more like His. God accepts us by grace not by good works. Yet when true salvation occurs, a change in our lives will be obvious. God promises to purify your life and make you holy (1 Thessalonians 5:21-23). The word “holy” means to be set apart. This lifelong process of becoming Christ-like involves every part of our lives.

  • Lesson Six: The Great Commission

    All Authority
    These verses in Matthew include some of the last instructions that Jesus gave his disciples before he ascended into heaven. We call this The Great Commission. God has commissioned us with all His authority to share His message of love to the world.

Contact Us

Service Times:
Sundays at 8:30 & 10:00 a.m.

Phone: 719-589-6351

2910 Clark Street
Alamosa, CO 81101

Office Hours:
Tuesday - Friday
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

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Service Times:
Sundays at 8:30 & 10:00 a.m.


2910 Clark Street
Alamosa, CO 81101

Office Hours: 
Tuesday - Friday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

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Parental Guidelines

To ensure the quality and safety of our church nursery and toddler rooms, we ask parents to follow these guidelines:

  • Please make sure to fill out and return the enclosed information sheet on your child. This information ensures the safety of your child.

  • For the health and safety of all children, nursery staff and the peace of mind of our children’s parents, children that have had the following symptoms within the last 24 hours will not be accepted:

    • Fever higher that 100 degrees

    • Diarrhea

    • Vomiting

    • Yeast Infection, monilia, thrush

    • Impetigo (infected wounds), boils, untreated ringworms

    • Runny nose with green or yellow mucus discharge

  • Please take children that are potty training to the restroom before you drop them off in the room.

  • Please make sure your child has a fresh diaper before leaving them in the room. We will be limiting changing diapers. In the rare event that your child “dirties” his/her diaper during the service, a paid worker will change your child. If you prefer to change your own child’s diaper, please request that we page you.

  • If your baby will require to be fed, please have a bottle already made. Due to food allergies, snacks will no longer be provided in the toddler nursery. If your child stays in the nursery for both services please bring them for a snack during the fellowship time in between services.

  • We encourage you to leave any special items your child may need to feel more comfortable. (i.e. blanket, pacifier, doll, toy, etc.)

If your child uses the nursery/toddler room regularly, please consider volunteering your time.

If you have any questions, concerns, or ideas, please contact Melissa Haddican at 510-299-1113. You may also e-mail us at

Your child/children are truly a blessing to Living Water and we love them very much! Thank you for allowing us to care for them!